Automatic Investing

Bird Nest & Mom's Eggs 2005
Originally uploaded by bcompetent

I've finally set it up with Vanguard to have my Roth IRA contributions automatically taken from my savings on a monthly basis. Turns out I have having trouble with it because I wanted the money deducted on the 2nd of every month. Vanguard doesn't like transactions happening in the first and last 5 days of the month. You think they could have let somebody know? This absolutely ZERO documentation about this on their site, so when I was on the phone with them trying to figure out the problem, I mentioned that it might be a good idea to let folks know there is a limitation. Vanguard has a solid reputation for not only low fees, but stellar customer service. Let's hope they put a note up about this so other's don't have to run into this problem.

Anyway, my 2009 contributions are set up now. One less thing to worry about.