- He's getting better pain medication, so he's more comfortable and eats more.
- He's still got his sense of humor, as he jokes around with mom and me.
- Mom is starting to come around to the idea that she's going to have to start thinking of life after my father. Another relative took her to shop for burial plots and services. While I'm glad for that, I believe she paid more than she needed. But I didn't say anything. At least she's making some moves. She also set about to file for survivor Social Security benefits.
- We had a party last weekend for all the friends, family, and neighbors who have been absolutely wonderful in helping us out. From taking dad to appointments I couldn't, to shoveling our walkways, to bringing food over. We know some awesome people!
- My employer has been wonderful and flexible in allowing me to alter my work schedule so I can take dad to his weekly appointments.
- The chemo he was on proved to be ineffective and the cancer has spread. We're trying another type of chemo now. If this doesn't work, chances are we'll have to just go to hospice.
- Completely unrelated to the cancer, a scan of dad's brain shows that he's had a couple strokes. That explained why he suddenly lost use of of his right side and his failing memory.
- Mom still has not moved forward in looking into what her financial options are for the house.
- Coffins are stupid, crazy expensive. I joked with mom that if I die before she does, just tip me into the lake, have a dinner in my honor, and call it a night. Because funeral costs are bat-shit, banana pancakes, crazy out of control. A cremation and memorial service would be a much more cost-effective option. However mom "can't see" cremating my dad. I don't think he really cares one way or the other, it's my mom. I understand it's hard. However in all the emotion, you have to remember your financial reality and what's really important. Anyway, I'm stuck with having to shop for coffins. The emotional part for me is the rage I feel because these damn things are overpriced!
So yeah. That's what's going on there. Just taking everything one day at a time. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. What other choice do we have?