While I set up my annual budget at the beginning of the year, it is always under constant re-evaluation. Things change so I have to be flexible. Even though I'm debt-free, I'm always looking for ways to "downscale" and/or improve.
Getting Into the Automation Game
I got paid today, so that means going over the budget and double-checking bills that need to be paid, transferring funds to savings, etc. However this time I decided to try automating a few things to see if I like it. I know I'm late to this game, but I figured what the hell.
- Automated the transfer of funds to my Charity and Unemployment Funds.
- Automated the bill pay of two upcoming bills. Just for the next two weeks though, because I want to see how it works.
I figure doing this might save me some time, and less obsessing over my money.
A Closer Look at My Cell Phone
One of the bills I paid today was my cell bill. I have a few features on there that are unnecessary. I'd always meant to take a look at them and purge but never got around to it, until today. I removed two features from my cell today.
1. Equpiment insurance. I was paying $4.99 per month for the privledge of getting my phone replaced if it had become lost or stolen. Oh, and there were be a $50 deductible should I file a claim. I decided this was completely unncessary for me because of the following:
_*_ My phone is well over two years old. It isn't worth anywhere near $50.
_*_ Because I reached the end of my two-year contract back in August, I am eligible for a new, free phone worth up to $100 (if I sign another two-year contract)
_*_ My provider has a deal with my employer that entitles me to a selection of phones completely free, without signing a contract. They are lower to mid-end phones, but whateves, they are newer than what I have right now, and did I mention that they are free?
2. Ring-back tone. When someone called me, they would hear music instead of ringing. It was cute, and I didn't even sign up for it. I think it was a limited time freebie service when I signed up but never cancelled. I figured it was only 99 cents a month, no biggie. But today I decided that I just wanted to get rid of it. I don't need it. The only reason I would keep it is because I always had it and it was kind of "different." I was thinking that for a second then got over myself. It's just a freaking sound, it's doesn't define me, for crissake. I don't want anything hanging around that I don't need or really want.
So I gave myself an extra $5.98 per month savings today.
Pseudo Milestone
Apropos of nothing, I've finally broken the $10,000 seal in my bank account! It really doesn't mean anything, but it's kinda neat see I have liquid, available money in the 5 digit range. I feel like I'm taking good care of myself. :)